Ayurved Tips for Radiant Skin


Ayurved Tips for Radiant Skin: Working on looking good is an effort that is never wasted. This ‘good’ look offers a feel- good factor which helps you in feeling healthy physically and mentally. All the pollution, stress, hectic lifestyle, and lack of sleep are some of the culprits of unhealthy skin and hair. You find the people world over adapting to natural ways and means for improving their health and their looks. Ayurved is one practice that can not only keep you healthy but also ensure that you look god sans any chemicals used.

Here are tips to help you look and feel good the natural way.

  1. Cleansing:

The toxins and chemicals present in the products used are more damaging and thus need to be eliminated from your beauty regime. This damage is done in a silent manner and most often, you realize it only after harm is done. It is thus important to ensure cleansing of the body not only externally but also internally. Use a face wash according to the type of skin. You have the choice of using nutgrass or neem for oily skin, and rose and honey for dry skin. Regularly make use of a cleanser, this can be oil - based. Oil - based cleansers clean the skin thoroughly but gently. Stay well hydrated and eat herbs for the required detoxification.

  1. Healing:

Skin or even health problems are healed in Ayurveda. The problem is tackled from the roots. You find that many of the formulas of Ayurveda use turmeric. Milk and turmeric are consumed for healing injuries and also for managing the flu symptoms or a cough. For any type of skin damage you can apply a paste of turmeric. This helps in quick healing. Aloe Vera can be used for skin which is damaged by the harsh sunlight or the strong winds. Ghee heals in curing cracked lips.

  1. Nurturing and Protecting:

Healthy skin can protect you from premature aging and also from external factors. You can look good at any stage of life if you take the trouble to look after yourself. A strict regime can replace the elements that are lost during the hectic routine and can also boost your immunity. Including specific oils in your diet can be beneficial. These oils like coconut, sesame, or almond oils can restore vitality and provide the required minerals and vitamins to your body.

Before switching over to Ayurveda it is important that you determine your Ayurveda constitution. Your diet, skin-care routine, and other requirements need to be chosen according to your dosha. This practice also preaches on being a ‘morning’ person for the overall health and beauty. That is, you need to sleep by 10 in the night and get up by 6 in the morning.

Besides following the tips listed below, ensure you have a routine that includes some sort of exercise. This is important as exercise and sleep can stimulate the growth hormone that helps in maintaining your skin.


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