Aloe Vera for Nourishing the Skin


Aloe Vera for Nourishing the Skin

Ale Vera has been used for medicinal purposes for decades. This has proved to enhance physical health and also has proved beneficial to the health of the skin and the hair. You can buy the aloe vera gel or even use it directly from the plant. The aloe vera ointments, gel and, creams contain the gel found in the aloe vera plant.

Aloe Vera for Skin:

It is definitely difficult to maintain skin health due to various factors like stress, pollution and,  an unhealthy lifestyle and diet. Choosing the skin care products available in the market is asking for big- time trouble as these products are laden with different chemicals and can cause more problems. One safe way to look after your skin health is to choose aloe vera gel, cream or ointment. Besides this, you need to make certain changes in your life style and diet so that you can ensure that glowing and healthy skin you are looking for.

*Aloe Vera for Acne:

Mix aloe vera gel with walnuts which are well blended along with a little honey. This paste needs to be applied to your face and rinsed off only after 20 minutes or so.

*Aloe vera for Dry Skin:

Mix a little aloe vera with a little honey, a teaspoon of milk, a pinch of turmeric and a little of rose water. This paste needs to be applied for around 20minutes.

*Aloe Vera for Sensitive Skin:

A bit of aloe vera gel with yogurt and a bit of cucumber and rose oil makes a perfect paste for nourishing skin which is sensitive. This can be rinsed off after around 20 minutes.

Aloe Vera Juice for Healthy Skin:

Pluck a leaf of the aloe vera plant and cut this into medium size pieces. Scoop out the gel in a bowl. Blend this gel along with either pineapple juice or apple juice. This juice needs to be had fresh and for the best results you need to include this in your daily diet.

Different applications of Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera gel can also be used to treat different skin problems.

1.Aloe  Vera can help in soothing sun burn. It is advisable though, not to expose your skin to the harsh UV rays of the sun.

  1. You can also use aloe vera gel for treating minor burns. This needs to be applied three times a day till the time you get some relief.
  2. The molecular structure of aloe vera helps in healing small cuts and this also prevents any scaring. Aloe vera can eliminate the risks of infections as it is known to fight bacteria and also increase the production of collagen.
  3. Studies have proved that applying aloe vera gel on the cold sores is definitely helpful as this is able to treat the herpes virus.

Though aloe vera is known to be helpful in different skin problems but it is advisable to consult a doctor if you do not see a marked improvement in the skin condition after a few days.

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