Benefits of the Kinnow Fruit


Benefits of the Kinnow Fruit

Taking care of your health during this transition period of the weather is very important. You find it is during this time of weather change that your health is affected to the maximum. You need to ensure that you make a choice of a healthy diet which is well balanced and which includes all the seasonal foods. Drink enough and more of water and stay away from all those sweetened drinks and junk food. A little bit of an effort put in during this time can save you from the risks of different infections and other ailments.

Choosing Kinnow:

Vitamin C is important not only during the winter months but throughout the year. Including Kinnow in your daily diet is one way to ensure you get enough of this vitamin. As known, Vitamin C helps in dealing with congestion and can also keep you well hydrated. This fruit, Kinnow, is a hybrid of two different kinds of citrus fruits and it is recommended by different dieticians and nutritionists to add this to your daily diet.

Kinnow contains loads of Vitamin C and provides the body with all the energy it requires.

Kinnow juice Recipe:

You need to have ‘fresh’ kinnow juice to avail maximum benefits. Consuming the juice is equally beneficial as this provides equal number of benefits as the fruit. This juice does not require any added sugar which means additional health benefits.

*Take 4 Kinnows along with ¼ tsp of salt and ¼ tsp of black pepper.

*You need to peel the kinnows by removing the outer orange peel and not the white. This needs to blended in a mixer or a blender till you get the pulp. Sieve this pulp into a bowl. The juice got can be had with the salt and pepper.

Some Benefits of Kinnow:

Studies have proved that this fruit offers multiple health benefits.

  1. Tackles Heartburn and Acidity:

Kinnow is known to be enriched with mineral salts and can bring down acidity and offer you the required relief. This fruit needs to be consumed on a daily basis especially if you are leading a sedentary lifestyle.

  1. Helps in Digestion:

Kinnow can be easily absorbed in the stomach without any pressure on the digestive tract. Those who have been facing digestion problems and have a weak stomach can consume kinnow juice instead of milk for their breakfast.

  1. Natural Energizer:

The presence of carbohydrates including fructose, glucose and sucrose in Kinnow ensures that your energy levels are at an all-time high.  This juice works well for those leading a hectic life style or concentrate a lot on exercising.

  1. Cholesterol Level balanced:

Studies have proved that kinnow can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and increase the levels of good cholesterol. Consuming kinnow on a daily basis reduces the risks of stroke and heart-attack.

It is advisable to include this power-packed fruit in your daily diet so that you can benefit for your overall health. Kinnow juice offers similar benefits as the fruit.

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