How do I get rid of dry skin?


How do I get rid of dry skin?

Dry skin is a problem which can get aggravated with the approaching winters. This problem is normally when your skin is not able to produce enough of sebum or probably because your skin is unable to retain the moisture. Pollution or even specific medications can also be the cause of dry skin. Following some tips can help you deal with this dry skin problem.

  1. Bath Time:

Ensure you do not bathe too often or for a long time especially during the dry winter months. You also need to make sure that your bath water is not too hot. This needs to be lukewarm and comfortable. Hot water tends to dry the skin faster. The moisturizers and soaps you use need to be natural and not laden with different beauty chemicals. This can help the skin in retaining the moisture.

  1. Hands and Feet:

The skin on the hands and feet tend to dry up faster as compared to the rest of the body. Wearing gloves and socks can eliminate this problem. It is important not to neglect your hands and feet and keep them well moisturized.

  1. Dressing right:

Sun damage is one of the major causes of dry skin. You can avoid this by ensuring you use sunscreen whenever you step out of the house, be it summers or winters. You also need to ensure you dress right. That is, it is advisable to dress in layers during winters so that the skin is not damaged by excessive perspiring or overheating. Chapped and dry lips can be tackled with a lip balm. Loose cotton clothes are ideal for summers.

  1. Humidify during winters:

As mentioned, cold and dry air is one major cause of dry skin. Ensure you use a humidifier in your home when heating your home so that the moisture in the air is not lost.

  1. Using Coconut Oil:

The emollient properties in coconut oil can fill up the spaces between the cells of the skin, creating a surface which s smooth. The saturated fats present in coconut oil can smooth and hydrate the skin. This can be used around your mouth and even underneath the eyes.

  1. Omega-3 and Antioxidants:

Dryness of the skin is also due to exposure to elements which are damaging to the cells of the skin. Including specific foods can help you retain the moisture in a healthy manner. You need to include foods like tomatoes, blue berries; lentils, peas, beans and carrots which are rich in antioxidants and can benefit the skin.

Prevention is better than cure, thus, it is important you preserve healthy skin. It is important to use quality moisturizers, soaps or other skin care products. Better still is choosing natural products as compared to those which are laden with chemicals. Dry skin can lead to bigger problems if not tackled at the right time and in the right manner. If home remedies do not make a difference it is advisable to consult your doctor.

How do I get rid of dry skin?

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