The Many Benefits of Rose Water


The Many Benefits of Rose Water: Distilling the rose petals with steam you get rose water. This rose water has been used for decades in beauty products and also for the overall health. This needs to be added to your routine beauty regime as rose water is versatile and provides multiple benefits. Listed below are some ways you can use rose water to benefit your skin and hair.

  1. Soothing Skin Irritation:

Due to the strong anti-inflammatory properties of rose water, this can be used for soothing skin which is irritated. This can also help in maintaining the pH balance of the skin and control any excessive oils. This is also used for cleaning pores which are clogged with dirt and grime.

  1. Reduces the Redness of the Skin:

This water can bring down the redness of the skin ensuring a clear complexion. This is due to the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of rose water.

  1. Rose Water for Wounds:

Rosewater is also used for treating wounds and cuts. This is due to the anti-bacterial properties. This helps in fighting off infections and also helps in keeping the cuts and wounds clean.

  1. Prevents Skin Damage:

Preventing skin damage is easy with the use of rose water as this contains a number of antioxidants. This has the lipid peroxidation inhibitory properties that can protect the cells of your skin.

  1. Relieves Headaches:

The rose essential oil and rose water is used in aromatherapy as this can help in reducing headaches. This can be due to the effect of de-stressing provided by rose water. You can either inhale steam with rose water or even use a compress which is soaked in rose water to relieve headaches.

  1. Anti-aging Properties:

Using Rosewater as a beauty treatment helps in reducing the aging factor. This can also reduce wrinkles when used on a regular basis.

  1. Rose Water as Conditioner:

The quality of hair is well looked after when you use rose water s a conditioner. This has moisturizing and nourishing properties. It can get rid of dandruff and also tackle mild infections of the scalp. You can use this even for encouraging hair growth.

How to Use Rose Water:

  • Mix equal parts of glycerin with rose water and apply this on your scalp, using cotton pads. This needs to be massaged for around 15 minutes. Wash this off using your normal shampoo after half an hour.
  • You can spray rose water over your make-up as this helps in the setting. You have a radiant look due to the mist. You can also spray rose water when you get up in the morning. This helps in keeping your skin fresh and hydrated.
  • Soak cotton pads in rose water and place these over your eyes. This gets rid of the redness and also removes the puffiness.
  • Apply rose water mixed with an equal amount of lemon juice on the area which has acne. This can be washed off after 30 minutes. You find a great reduction in the acne problem.

With multiple benefits offered by this magical water, it makes sense to list it in the list of your essentials.

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