Tips for Naturally Beautiful Skin


Your face can be a reflection of what you feel, this might be excitement, stress, happy or depressed. For a naturally beautiful skin it is important to be healthy not only physically but also mentally, In other words, you need to be healthy ‘inside out’. To help you with that naturally beautiful skin you have always been craving for here are some tips to be followed.

  1. Exercising:

Do’s: Make sure you fix a routine which includes some sort of exercise you so enjoy. This can be walking, swimming, jogging or working out at the gym. This helps in circulating the blood and accelerates the process of cleansing. That glow on your face is the exercise you have taken up.

Don’t: It is advisable to choose a natural skin care before and even after a workout. To minimize the production of oil it is important that you use a toner. After the routine exercise you need to exfoliate and also moisturize. Choose a quality moisturizer keeping the ‘skin type’ in mind.

  1. You Reflect the Food:

Do’s: As the saying goes, ‘you are what you eat’. Increase the intake of vegetables and fruits and cut down on unhealthy fats and carbs. You can consult a qualified dietician or a nutritionist if you are not too sure what you need to include in your day-to-day diet. For a radiant skin, you need to include Vitamin C and ensure you eliminate sugar from your diet.

Don’ts: Stay away from fermented and spicy foods. Make a choice of food that is bland instead of all that fried food you so relish. This works as a medicine for glowing skin.

  1. Quality Sleep:

Do’s: Make sure your routine includes 8 hours of sleep. You need to be aware that your skin gets tired just like your body. You get puffy eyes and the skin tends to sag. For soothing your skin naturally, apply honey two to three times in a week.

Don’ts: Do not hit the bed without washing your face and also moisturizing it. This works as a medicine for skin treatment. You need to use a mild cleanser if your skin is dry. Make sure you do not use hot water for washing your face as this can dry up the skin.

  1. Drinking Water:

Do’s: You need to have a minimum of 8 glasses of water every day. Include fruits and vegetables with a high content of water to ensure you are well hydrated.

Don’ts: Don’t forget using rose water for puffiness in your eyes. This maintains the pH balance and hydrates your skin naturally.

  1. Healthy Habits:

Do’s: Meditation and yoga can be considered as ‘essentials’ for maintaining a good physical and mental health. Sit down and sit in silence for only 15 minutes. This can calm you totally.

Don’ts: Don’t forget facial exercises for you facial muscles and jaw line.

Make an effort and you have the treatment for glowing skin right inside your home.

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