Using Henna for Hair Growth


Using Henna for Hair Growth

Hair growth is known to be a tedious and time-consuming process. Using hair treatments can ensure a quick hair growth but there are chances of the hair getting damaged with all the chemicals present in the hair treatments available in the markets. Hair treatment with ingredients found at home is not only safe but efficient for a long period of time. These are natural sans any chemicals and thus, work out to be the best available option. Henna is a natural ingredient which is perfectly suited for hair growth or even hair color.

The many benefits of henna for hair include the cooling of the scalp besides the antimicrobial attributes. This helps in stabilizing the pH level and moderates the release of oil in your scalp. The hair follicles are unclogged with the application of henna. With the presence of the many nutrients, henna nourishes your hair and keeps it healthy.

Applying Henna in your Hair:

You need to mix ½ cup of henna powder in ¼ cup warm water to make a paste. This needs to be kept for around 12 hours to stew. If you do not need the color you can apply this without leaving it for stewing.

Apply henna on your hair with an applicator brush after you have applied some coconut oil on your ears so that the color does not come to the ears. Leave this to dry on your scalp for around 2 hours. Rinse this off with the help of a mild shampoo.

  1. Henna and Beetroot for Hair:

Boil 1 cup of grated beetroot in 2 cups of water. Make sure this reduces to half the quantity and let it cool. Puree the beetroot and mix 1 cup of henna powder. Leave this mixture aside for a couple of hours. Apply this on your hair after you have applied coconut oil along your hairline. Rinse this off after around 2 hours. This can be applied once a month for maximum benefits. The nutrients and minerals present in the beetroot helps in the hair growth and health.

  1. Amla Powder and Henna:

Mix half a cup of henna powder with two tablespoons of amla powder and around one quarter of a cup of warm water. You can apply this mix instantly if you are not looking to color your hair. You can rinse this off after 2 hours with the help of a mild shampoo.

Henna contains a number of medicinal properties which works beneficial for the hair health. This is antimicrobial, antioxidant, ant parasitic, anti-inflammatory, anti viral and also wound healing. It is important to ensure that the henna you use for your hair is pure and organic and does not contain any chemicals. Besides reducing hair fall, henna can condition your hair when used on a regular basis. You are free from all that itchiness of the scalp due to dandruff.

For long and lustrous hair you need to make an effort and ensure you use henna on a regular basis.

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